
The project proposes to overcome the gap between sports activities and youth work by producing a guideline to facilitate youth workers and organizations to integrate sports activities and organize sports event to promote inclusion, participation and healthy lifestyle among young people.

The Aims of the Project

1Raising awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activities in the everyday life, through the inclusion of non-formal activities in the everyday work of Youth Organizations

2Upscaling and upgrading youth work in general, through the use of new tools – simplified, illustrative and accessible to all – which will also enable more youth organizations to open up to sports regardless of their size and previous experience

3Promoting social inclusion and equal access to sport for all, especially for youngsters with fewer opportunities through the creation of a Toolkit and the local implementation of sports activities based on non-formal education for community/group building

  • Kick off Meeting in Greece, Thessaloniki

  • Creation of the “Sport Management Manual for Youth Organization”

    A Manual for integrating sports activities and sport management in youth work. It will contain outdoor activities and grassroots sports to use for promoting inclusion and a healthy lifestyle. Champions Factory is responsible for collecting partners’ research on existing tools, manuals and methodology of sports management. Then, they will combine the data into one comprehensive guide for organizations and youth workers who want to plan sports activities.

  • Mid-term Meeting in France, Ajaccio

  • European Week of Sport, Sept 2020

    Partners will implement one Flash Mob locally, to raise awareness about the project and disseminate the outcomes. AICS will monitor the activity.

  • Creation of the Toolkit

    The toolkit will contain 20 non-formal sports activities gathered by the project’s partners. The leaders of this output will be USB and SPAO, as they will design a template for modules of non-formal education activities, setting deadlines, collecting partner’s proposals and produce the final toolkit.

  • Evaluation Meeting in Cyprus (Nicosia)

  • Local Events

    Finally, during the last 4 months of the project, each partner will implement two Local Dissemination Events. In the first event, partners will promote the project as well as Erasmus+ Sports as a programme of the European Union, and the outputs (i.e the manual and toolkit). In the second event, partners will implement two activities for local young people to promote a healthy lifestyle and participation in sports.

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