Bringing Non Formal Sports to the Youth Organisations


The project will provide three international meetings, the organization of flash mobs at local level during the European Week of Sports, and two Local Dissemination Events


Each partner is dedicated to the project’s success at every corner of Europe during two years, and has different responsabilities concerning the activities planned


The project has two tangible outputs which are the ‘Sports Management Manual for Youth Organizations’ & a Toolkit containing twenty examples of sports activities

Kick Off Meeting in Thessaloniki

The Kick-off Meeting was held in February 2020 in the premises of United Societies of Balkans. We prepared these 18 months working together on the project, and made first decisions about our future cooperation.

For who?

The Target Groups

1/ Youth organizations, Youth Clubs, youth workers, educators, coordinators of volunteers, mentors

2/ Young people (18-30), young people with fewer opportunities, volunteers in youth organizations, youth initiatives

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